Member Lead CRM API changes
Changes in MemberLead .
- Add Motivation question is a single select field with the following options
- Question: What is your motivation when joining AIESEC?
- Options:
- Personal Development
- Leadership Experience
- Global Networking
- Connect with impact of AIESEC
- Motivation to be added as a field to Member Lead form on,
- YOP Membership form
- EXPA Create lead form
- Display Motivation question on Member Lead Profile Page and Modal
- Add column for Motivation question on Member Lead CRM
- Add filter for Motivation question on Member Lead CRM.
- Change status New Lead to Applied
- Change status Recruited to Accepted
- Status name changes to be displayed in the following scenarios (no change in colour)
- Status switches - Profile page & modal
- Status filters - CRM
- Status tags - CRM and Profile page & modal
API changes:
- Options can be found in all_constants Query . type_id is motivation_reason.
- Added input field called motivation_reason_id in MemberLead create, update API.
- Exposed motivation_reason object in MemberLead response type.
- Added filter input called motivation_reason_ids .
- Changes status keys new_lead => applied and recruited => accepted .
- Renamed member_lead_recruit mutation to member_lead_accept .
- Removed moved_to_recruited_by and date_moved_to_recruited and added moved_to_accepted_by and date_moved_to_accepted .
- Renamed permission object can_move_to_recruit to can_move_to_accept