{ "id": "57", "programme_ids": [ 7 ], "remarks": "Freezed" }
frozen_programmes { id short_name short_name_display }
query SurveyDetails($survey_uuid: String!) { surveyResponseDetail(survey_uuid: $survey_uuid) { id survey_uuid answers completed_at survey { title survey_questions(main_questions_only: true) { id question_text position subquestions { id position question_text } standard { # for standard's id name meta } leadership_value { # for lda's id name meta } } } opportunity_application { id intial_lda_report { survey_uuid } middle_lda_report { survey_uuid } end_lda_report { survey_uuid } youth_nps_response { survey_uuid } youth_lps_response { survey_uuid } standards_response { survey_uuid } } } }
access_token: sometoken start_date: 2023-08-07 end_date: 2024-08-15 conversion_v3[office_id]: 1626 conversion_v3[campaign_filter]: 12 (optional)
{ "1626": { "i_applied_count_to_accepted_count_7": 61.54, "o_applied_count_to_accepted_count_7": 61.54, "o_applied_count_to_accepted_count_9": 60.0, "i_applied_count_to_accepted_count_8": 38.89, "i_applied_count_to_accepted_count_9": 60.0, "o_applied_count_to_accepted_count_8": 38.89, "total_applied_count_to_accepted_count": 51.22, "o_accepted_count_to_approved_count_7": 100.0, "i_accepted_count_to_approved_count_8": 100.0, "i_accepted_count_to_approved_count_9": 100.0, "i_accepted_count_to_approved_count_7": 100.0, "o_accepted_count_to_approved_count_9": 100.0, "o_accepted_count_to_approved_count_8": 100.0, "total_accepted_count_to_approved_count": 100.0, "i_approved_count_to_realized_count_7": 50.0, "i_approved_count_to_realized_count_8": 57.14, "i_approved_count_to_realized_count_9": 33.33, "o_approved_count_to_realized_count_8": 57.14, "o_approved_count_to_realized_count_9": 33.33, "o_approved_count_to_realized_count_7": 50.0, "total_approved_count_to_realized_count": 47.62, "i_applied_to_accepted_time_9": 0, "i_applied_to_accepted_time_8": 0, "i_applied_to_accepted_time_7": 0, "o_applied_to_accepted_time_9": 0, "o_applied_to_accepted_time_8": 0, "o_applied_to_accepted_time_7": 0, "total_applied_to_accepted_time": 0, "i_accepted_to_approved_time_9": 0, "i_accepted_to_approved_time_8": 0, "i_accepted_to_approved_time_7": 0, "o_accepted_to_approved_time_7": 0, "o_accepted_to_approved_time_8": 0, "o_accepted_to_approved_time_9": 0, "total_accepted_to_approved_time": 0, "i_approved_to_realized_time_8": 0, "i_approved_to_realized_time_7": 0, "i_approved_to_realized_time_9": 0, "o_approved_to_realized_time_9": 0, "o_approved_to_realized_time_7": 0, "o_approved_to_realized_time_8": 0, "total_approved_to_realized_time": 0, "total_sign_up_to_applied_count": 13.79, "total_sign_up_to_applied_time": 0 }, "489": { "i_applied_count_to_accepted_count_8": 0.0, "i_applied_count_to_accepted_count_9": 100.0, "total_applied_count_to_accepted_count": 50.0, "i_accepted_count_to_approved_count_9": 100.0, "total_accepted_count_to_approved_count": 100.0, "i_approved_count_to_realized_count_9": 0.0, "total_approved_count_to_realized_count": 0.0, "total_applied_to_accepted_time": 0, "total_accepted_to_approved_time": 0, "total_approved_to_realized_time": 0, "total_sign_up_to_applied_count": null }, "506": { "i_applied_count_to_accepted_count_9": 100.0, "total_applied_count_to_accepted_count": 100.0, "i_accepted_count_to_approved_count_9": 100.0, "total_accepted_count_to_approved_count": 100.0, "i_approved_count_to_realized_count_9": 0.0, "total_approved_count_to_realized_count": 0.0, "total_applied_to_accepted_time": 0, "total_accepted_to_approved_time": 0, "total_approved_to_realized_time": 0, "total_sign_up_to_applied_count": 0.0 } }
NOTE: sign up to applied will only have total count and total days, programme id aggregation is not possible for it.
"cover_photo": { "url": "https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/gis-development/6s0cxvfp0pbcj9sd2odj13cxznok", "filename": "default-cover-photo.jpg", "is_default": true }
{ "person": { "alternate_email": "test@commutatus.com" } }
query CurrentPerson { currentPerson { id full_name email expa_banners { id office { id name } role_name content_url image_url start_date end_date status } } }
"i_accepted_to_approved_time_9": { "meta": {}, "doc_count": 6, "children": { "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0, "sum_other_doc_count": 0, "buckets": [ { "key": 489, "doc_count": 1, "approval_avg": { "value": 1723094976000.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:36.000Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094610552.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:23:30.552Z" } }, { "key": 506, "doc_count": 1, "approval_avg": { "value": 1723094976000.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:36.000Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094609765.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:23:29.765Z" } }, { "key": 567, "doc_count": 1, "approval_avg": { "value": 1723094977000.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:37.000Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094610358.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:23:30.358Z" } }, { "key": 1554, "doc_count": 1, "approval_avg": { "value": 1723094959000.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:19.000Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094610772.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:23:30.772Z" } }, { "key": 1577, "doc_count": 1, "approval_avg": { "value": 1723094959000.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:19.000Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094610715.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:23:30.715Z" } }, { "key": 1610, "doc_count": 1, "approval_avg": { "value": 1723094976000.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:36.000Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094569031.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:22:49.031Z" } } ] }, "approval_avg": { "value": 1723094970500.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:30.500Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094603532.1667, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:23:23.532Z" } }, "o_completed_count_9": { "meta": {}, "doc_count": 1, "children": { "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0, "sum_other_doc_count": 0, "buckets": [ { "key": 1709, "doc_count": 1, "applicants": { "value": 1 } } ] }, "applicants": { "value": 1 } } "o_finished_count_7": { "meta": {}, "doc_count": 4, "children": { "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0, "sum_other_doc_count": 0, "buckets": [ { "key": 1552, "doc_count": 1, "applicants": { "value": 1 } }, { "key": 1570, "doc_count": 1, "applicants": { "value": 1 } }, { "key": 1588, "doc_count": 1, "applicants": { "value": 1 } }, { "key": 1617, "doc_count": 1, "applicants": { "value": 1 } } ] }, "applicants": { "value": 4 } },
"approval_avg": { "value": 1723094970500.0, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:29:30.500Z" }, "created_avg": { "value": 1723094603532.1667, "value_as_string": "2024-08-08T05:23:23.532Z" }
"buckets": [ { "key": 1552, "doc_count": 1, "applicants": { "value": 1 } },
response example: "applications_status_count": { "matched": 1, "approved": 1, "withdrawn": 4, "rejected": 19, "open": 20 },
query GetMyOpportunities($page: Int, $per_page: Int, $q: String, $filters: OpportunityFilter) { myOpportunities(page: $page, per_page: $per_page, q: $q, filters: $filters) { paging { total_items total_pages current_page __typename } data { applicants_count applications_close_date applications_status_count id title __typename } __typename } }
query GetPerson { getPerson(id: "2") { id full_name member_positions { has_access_to_people_data } } }
mutation CreateMemberPosition { createMemberPosition(member_position: {person_email: "mahaveer@commutatus.com", term_id: 22039, role_id: 21755, office_id: 54, title: "Testing", has_access_to_people_data: true}) { id has_access_to_people_data } }
query LDASurvey { survey(survey_type: "intial_lda") { id survey_questions { id is_main_question is_mandatory position question_type question_text subquestions { id position question_text question_type } sanitize_meta leadership_value { id name meta } } } }
query LDASurveyReport { ldaReport(survey_uuid: "6fc50732-d9ae-47dc-a79b-4d821a89eaec") { id associated_surveys { survey { survey_type } survey_uuid report { score } } can_fill survey { id title } report { leadership_value { name meta } score } survey_uuid completed_at opportunity_application { id opportunity { title } person { full_name } } } }
query OpportunitApplication { getApplication(id: 42) { id intial_lda_report { id completed_at can_fill survey_uuid } middle_lda_report { id completed_at can_fill survey_uuid } end_lda_report { id completed_at can_fill survey_uuid } } }
mutation CreateSurvery { surveyAnswer( survey_uuid: "73c889bd-a677-4c83-8f6b-a46589ab2199" responses: [ { question_id: "365", answer: "1" } { question_id: "371", answer: "3" } { question_id: "377", answer: "2" } { question_id: "383", answer: "5" } { question_id: "389", answer: "4" } { question_id: "395", answer: "4" } ] ) }
branchEmployees { id email }
mutation DeleteOpportunity { deleteOpportunity(id: "38") }
query Opportunity { opportunity(id: "35") { id permissions { can_delete } } }
query Opportunity { opportunity(id: "35") { id weekly_activities(public_facing_only: true) { id is_mandatory is_active } } }
mutation RemoveOptionalWeekActivities { removeOptionalWeekActivities( opportunity_id: "35" weekly_activities_ids: ["1", "10"] ) { activity id is_active is_mandatory is_templated week } }
mutation AcceptExpaUsagePolicy { acceptExpaUsagePolicy { id accepted_expa_usage_policy_at email } }
query CurrentPerson { currentPerson { accepted_expa_usage_policy_at } }
mutation AcceptEmailUsagePolicy { acceptEmailUsagePolicy { id accepted_email_usage_policy_at email } }
query CurrentPerson { currentPerson { accepted_email_usage_policy_at } }
mutation CreateEmailRequest { createEmailRequest(email: "mahaveer3@commutatus.com") { approved_at created_at email expired_at id rejected_at status updated_at permissions { can_approve can_reject } member { full_name home_lc { id name } id } } }
mutation ApproveEmailRequest { approveEmailRequest(id: "9") { approved_at approved_by { id full_name } } }
query EmailRequests { emailRequests(pagination: { per_page: 10, page: 1 }) { data { approved_at created_at email expired_at id rejected_at status updated_at approved_by { id full_name } rejected_by { id full_name } permissions { can_approve can_reject } member { full_name home_lc { id name } id } } paging { current_page total_items total_pages } } }
emailRequests(pagination: { per_page: 10, page: 1 }, filters: { mc_id: "79" })
query Committee { committees(filters: { parent: 1630 }) { data { id name } } }
query ContentSections { contentSections(sort_direction: asc) { id redirect_url content_image { id filesize filename url } position } }
{ "data": { "contentSections": [ { "id": "5", "redirect_url": "https://www.pixelstalk.net/wp-content/uploads/images6/Funny-Anya-Forger-Wallpaper-HD.jpg", "content_image": null, "position": 1 }, { "id": "8", "redirect_url": "https://www.pixelstalk.net/wp-content/uploads/images6/Funny-Anya-Forger-Wallpaper-HD.jpg", "content_image": null, "position": 2 }, { "id": "7", "redirect_url": "https://www.pixelstalk.net/wp-content/uploads/images6/Funny-Anya-Forger-Wallpaper-HD.jpg", "content_image": null, "position": 3 } ] } }
generateEmail API.
validateAiesecEmailUsername(username: "aisecemail"){ aiesec_email, is_valid }
"validateAiesecEmailUsername": { "aiesec_email": "aisecemail@aiesec.net", "is_valid": true }
generateEmail(username: "aisecemail")
{ "data": { "generateEmail": "Request has been queued and will be sent to the email address" } }
{ "analytics": { "roles": { "after_key": { "role": 11647, "office": "1585" }, "buckets": [ { "key": { "role": 11645, "office": "1585" }, "doc_count": 2 }, { "key": { "role": 11646, "office": "1585" }, "doc_count": 22 }, { "key": { "role": 11647, "office": "1585" }, "doc_count": 44 } ] }, "departments": { "doc_count": 227, "deparments": { "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0, "sum_other_doc_count": 0, "buckets": [ { "key": 11627, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11628, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11629, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11630, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11631, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11632, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11633, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11634, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11635, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11636, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11637, "doc_count": 20 }, { "key": 11638, "doc_count": 7 } ] } } } }
{ "analytics": { "contacted_count": { "meta": { }, "doc_count": 4 }, "accepted_count": { "meta": { }, "doc_count": 1 }, "in_process_count": { "meta": { }, "doc_count": 3 }, "rejected_count": { "meta": { }, "doc_count": 2 }, "applied_count": { "meta": { }, "doc_count": 7 } } }
query { opportunities(filters: {q: "Test", sort: created_at, sort_direction: desc}, pagination: {page: 2, per_page: 10}) { paging { total_items, current_page, total_pages } data { id, title, created_at, __typename } } }
query { allConstants(type_id: "skill", filters: {sort: position, sort_direction: desc}) { id, name, position, __typename } }
mutation{ updateOpportunity(id: 14620, opportunity: { remote_experience_details: { remote_experience_duration: "<div>Total duration will be of 6 months</div>", remote_experience_salary: "<div>$200 and $300 per month for remote and on-field work resp.</div>", remote_experience_additional_details: "<ol><li>Minimum of 2 months of on-field work is mandatory</li><li>Have a bank account which accepts international payments</li></ol>" } }) { id remote_opportunity remote_experience_duration remote_experience_salary remote_experience_additional_details } }
mutation { memberLeadChecklistResponseCreate(id: 1, survey_id: 10,answers: [{ question_id: 720, answer: "true" }, { question_id: 718, answer: "false" } ] ) { id answers survey { id survey_questions { id question_text question_type } } } }
query{ getChecklistQuestion(id: 1){ id question_text question_type description } }
query{ allConstants(type_id: "role"){ id name } }
mutation { memberPositionCreate(member_position: {function_id: 11638, role_id: 11648, office_id: 630, start_date: "01-02-2021", end_date: "31-07-2021", reports_to_position: 12, invite_person: {first_name: "super", last_name: "man", home_lc_id: 630, email: "sajin+1023@commutatus.com"}}) { id } }
mutation { memberPositionUpdate(id: 1, member_position: {role_id: 11645, office_id: 1585}) { id } }
mutation { memberPositionTerminate(id: 1, exit_reason_id: 11667, other_exit_reason: "Just for fun") { id status exit_reason { name } other_exit_reason terminated_at terminated_by { id } } }
query { memberPosition(id: 1) { id } }
query { memberPositions(filters: {status: ["terminated"]}) { paging { total_items } data { id } } }
query { memberPositionsDownload(columns: ["position_id", "position_title", "position_skills", "position_gender", "position_no_of_ixps", "position_ixp_products", "position_is_ixp", "position_languages", "position_status", "position_start_date", "position_backgrounds", "position_date_of_birth", "position_end_date", "position_office", "position_phone", "position_exit_reason", "position_role", "position_department", "position_study_level", "position_reports_to", "position_full_name", "position_email"]) }
mutation{ opportunityMarkRemote(id: 14620, remote_experience: {remote_experience_duration: "<div>Total duration will be of 6 months</div>", remote_experience_salary: "<div>$200 and $300 per month for remote and on-field work resp.</div>", remote_experience_additional_details: "<ol><li>Minimum of 2 months of on-field work is mandatory</li><li>Have a bank account which accepts international payments</li></ol>"}){ id remote_opportunity remote_experience_duration remote_experience_salary remote_experience_additional_details } }
mutation{ fileImport(file_input: {import_type: "employee_lead", import_file: { filename: "employee_lead.csv", content: "data:file/csv;base64,77u/RW1haWwsZmlyc3RfbmFtZSxob21lX2xjX2lkCmJhbGFqaSsxMjJAY29tbXV0YXR1cy5jb20sQmFsYSwyMjQyCmJhbGFqaSsxMjNAY29tbXV0YXR1cy5jb20sQmFsYSAxMjMsMjI0Mgo=" } } ) }