We have moved q and sort arguments into filters argument and page and per_page arguments into the pagination argument. A list of endpoints on which the changes are made can be found below,
- In Accommodation query,
- accommodations endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In AccommodationAssignment query,
- assignedApplications endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In Branch query,
- branchAutocomplete endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In Campaign query,
- campaignAutocomplete endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In City query,
- allCity endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The value accepted here is - name.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- cityAutocomplete endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In Committee query,
- committees, committeesDownload, and committeesListBasic endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The values accepted here are - name, parent_name, and tag.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- committeeAutocomplete and myCommitteeAutocomplete endpoint
- per_page argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In Constants query,
- constantAutocomplete endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In EmployeeLead query,
- employeeLeads endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The values accepted here are - created_via, email, full_name, home_lc_name, home_mc_name, last_active, organization_name, phone_number, product_interest, qualification, referral_type, and status.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- In Event query,
- eventList endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- similarEvents endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- In EventRegistration query,
- eventRegistrationList endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In MemberLead query,
- memberLeads endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The values accepted here are - academic_level_name, created_via, date_of_birth, employment_status_name, home_mc_name, lc_alignment_name, lead_name, preferred_mode_of_contact_name, referral_type_name, and status.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- In MemberPosition query,
- memberPositions and memberPositionsDownload endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The values accepted here are - active, completed, and terminated.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- In Notifications query,
- notificationList endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- In Opportunity query,
- allOpportunity, allOpportunityV2, allOpportunityDownload, searchAllOpportunity, myOpportunities, and similarOpportunities endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The values accepted here are - application, application_count, applications_closing, average_nps_score, branch_name, branches, committee, company, company_size, company_type, created_via, date_opened, departments, duration_max, duration_min, duration_type, earliest_start_date, home_mcs, host_lc_name, host_mc_name, industries, is_ge, is_gep, issues, latest_end_date, nps_score, open_to, organisation_name, price, programmes, regions, relevance, sdg_goal, sdg_target, status, sub_product, title, view_count, and work_fields.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- In OpportunityApplication query,
- allOpportunityApplication, allOpportunityApplicationDownload, unbilledApplications, and applicationTestimonials endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The values accepted here are - applicant_name, average_score, date_an_signed, date_approved, date_matched, date_realized, duration_type, experience_end_date, experience_start_date, favourite, flight_date, graduation_date, has_started_standards_survey, home_lc_name, home_mc_name, host_lc_name, host_mc_name, is_gep, last_active, ldm_grade, nps_grade, opportunity_id, organisation_name, opportunity_title, paid_at, partner_type, product, required_backgrounds_percentage, required_skills_percentage, sdg_goal, sdg_target, slot, status, sub_product, and scheduled_interview.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- In OrganizationDevelopment query,
- organizationDevelopmentList endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In Page query,
- pages endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The value accepted here is - title.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- In People query,
- allPeople, allPeopleDownload, myPeople, and personApplications endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
- q and sort arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- sort argument is of type enum. The value accepted here is - aiesecer, application, contacted_at, contacted_by_name, dob, follow_up_name, followed_up_at, full_name, gender, home_lc_name, home_mc_name, interviewed, interviewed_at, last_active_at, lc_alignment_name, professional_experience_in_years, referral_type, selected_programmes, and status.
- Additionally, sort_direction argument of type enum is added. The values accepted here are - asc, desc.
- colleagueAutocomplete endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In PeopleAutocomplete query,
- peopleAutocomplete, peopleAutocompleteColleagues, peopleAutocompleteEmployees, and peopleAutocompleteActive endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In TagListAutocomplete query,
- tagListAutocomplete endpoint
- q argument is DEPRECATED and moved inside the filters argument.
- In Todo query,
- todos endpoint
- page and per_page arguments are DEPRECATED and moved inside the pagination argument.
The code is backward compatible. If both arguments (new and deprecated) are present in a query, a value from the new argument will be considered to get the result.
Example query,
query {
opportunities(filters: {q: "Test", sort: created_at, sort_direction: desc}, pagination: {page: 2, per_page: 10}) {
paging {
data {