EXPA is the management console for AIESEC's operations.
GV Opportunity Creation Changes
October 27th, 2021

Over the last few months, we've been working on Making sure that GV Opportunities are supporting a standard for global templates. And to help us with that, we introduced some changes that will make it much easier for you to open your opportunities!

The Changes are pretty simple and are as follows:-
  1. When going to create a new opportunity and clicking on GV, You will be prompted to select a project template
    1. ”These project templates are from the new GV Global Portfolio aies.ec/gv-projects21
  2. After selecting the project and the LC your opportunity will be created and pre-filled with standard fields
  3. You can add and change the fields that are dynamic
    1. Keep in mind that the project fee field in the opportunity creation is for the fee the EP needs to pay only.
  4. You can then Submit your Opportunity 

How can you get Support :-
  • If you have any questions on the feature, hit the "Support" button on the bottom right of your screen, you will find a specific place for your doubts under "GV Opportunity changes"
For project template:
  • Click here to know how to select and customize global portfolio projects.
For financial model:
  • Click here to know more about financial model change for GV
Position Management v2
July 19th, 2021

Over the last few months, we've been working on revamping the position management feature of EXPA to make the experience simpler and easy to use.

The new position management system is built separately from the current one so it is not possible to migrate all data without creating duplicates. We will only be migrating the MCP/LCP accounts initially and then it will be on the MCP/LCPs to re-create their EBs & Teams. Once invited as an LCVP or MCVP  you can then create the rest of your teams.

Since positions also impact permissions across the system, there will be a period where the old positions will active while we re-create our teams.

Dates :- 
  1. New Position System going live to create positions - Monday the 19th of July
  2. Position CRM permissions going live (people that are not allocated yet will lose access) - Monday the 16th of August (updated)
  3. Positions that are allocated on the new system will not have access till the migration happens.

What steps are required from you :- 
  1. If you are an MCP or LCP, go ahead to your entity's committee profile and click on "Manage Committee" and click "Add Department" to start adding your VP.
  2. If you are an MCVP or LCVP, go ahead to your entity's committee profile and click on "Manage Committee" and then under your department, start to add in your team/
Here is a complete Guide of How to do so. Please Check it!  -  http://www.aies.ec/expapositionschanges

How can you get Support :-
  • If you have any questions regarding being allocated on the platform, Please contact your LCP/MCP
  • If you have any questions on the feature, hit the "Support" button on the bottom right of your screen, you will find a specific place for your doubts under " Position Changes Queries"
Export data from EXPA into a spreadsheet
February 11th, 2021
We've just made it easier to download data from EXPA and track your operations, perform data analysis to improve operational efficiency.

You'll now see an Export button on the following pages:
  • People CRM
  • Opportunities CRM
  • Applications CRM
  • Organizations CRM
  • Committees CRM
How to export data from a CRM?
  1. Apply the required filters
  2. Click on the Export icon ⤓
  3. Select the columns you want to export
  4. Click "Export data"
  5. Get the data as an excel file, delivered straight to your inbox.
People Analytics is Live
November 11th, 2020
Have you ever wonder how could you analyze even further your sign ups information? This new feature is for you! People Analytics is live! There you can see how your sign ups are performing in the customer flow funnel, but also information regarding their backgrounds, referrals and much much more.

Go check it out at: https://expa.aiesec.org/analytics/people
Check People Analytics Documentation at: https://expa.aiesec.org/resource-center/pages/1525
Sales CRM - Control the Sales Process with Potential partners
September 8th, 2020
Sales CRM is a whole brand new CRM where you can organize and control the prospects you have in order to manage the sales process for these potential partners. There you will be bale to find 3 main features:
  • Status time tracker - After 14 days of a prospect being stuck in a status, the CRM will atumatically show you a warning icon
  • Meetings & Calls logger
  • Qualification Process using BANT Methodology
Check out the official documentation for Sales CRM here: https://expa.aiesec.org/resource-center/pages/1457
Partly Remote Features in EXPA
September 8th, 2020
Partly remote GT (Global Talent or Global Teacher) refers to starting the experience remotely, before the realization (first day of work in Hosting Entity’s country/territory) happens.

The features deployed in EXPA to help the execution of partly remote are the following:
  • Partly Remote Filter - Applications & Opportunities CRM 
  • Partly Remote RE Button - Applications CRM
The features deployed in YOP to help our customers find partly remote opportunities are the following:
  • Partly Remote Filter
  • Partly Remote label on Remote opportunities to inform EPs
If you want more information about the partly remote GTa, such as booklets access: aies.ec/partlyremotegt

More information about Partly Remote on YOP and EXPA can be found here: aies.ec/partly-remote-platforms
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